On Tuesday 21 August 2001 17:51, Vince Vielhaber wrote:
> On Tue, 21 Aug 2001, Lamar Owen wrote:
> > > > > I disagree. Unless you are omniscient, 

> > We need someone willing to be a kibo. Or is that too arcane a reference?

> Gotta admit, I haven't heard that in a while.

Egads!  An Internet where people don't remember Kibo....  Vince remembers, as 
does Marc,more than likely.  But I got several emails asking 'What is a 
kibo'. Wow.

James 'Kibo' Parry is, well, infamous in Usenet circles (or at least he used 
to be).  Mention 'kibo' in a newsgroup posting (this used to work years ago), 
and 'Kibo' would reply.  With 100MB of news per day, Kibo replied (in a 
sanctimonious way, as if he were a god or something) to almost every single 
mention of the name 'kibo'.  I was halfway expecting a reply via the 
newsgroup gateway, but kibo must have been asleep.  Or the 100GB of news per 
day has overwhelmed his bandwidth.... :-)

And the most oddball newsgroups would get replied to.  People began putting 
the string 'kibo' into their .sig's, prompting message after message.

Kibo appeared to be omniscient -- thus the reference to kibo.  There was 
actually a time where _every_ new posting with the word 'kibo' in it was 
replied to.

In reality, kibo was driven by an intelligent regex running on a backbone 
server (and, at the time, Software Tool and Die _was_ a backbone server).  
All news postings referencing kibo were either auto-replied to, or Kibo 
himself would reply.

A 'cult' of kibology developed, wondering what criteria would prompt personal 
replies from Kibo (at this point, the capital K was being used....).

See www.kibo.com for all the flippant details. :-)  Or ask kibo himself at 

Wow, now I _know_ I've been on Usenet too long....

But we DO need someone willing to be a postgresql-kibo.  I could think of no 
better example of the completeness and attention to detail that was any 
better than that, that I thought people here could relate to.
Lamar Owen
WGCR Internet Radio
1 Peter 4:11

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 4: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

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