> I have started some very trivial work around this a while ago with the
> intent to get something simple up and working before too much bike
> shedding is done. I'll contact Robert off-list to discuss that. If
> somebody else - who actively works with what we have now!! - is
> interested in that discussion, let me know.
> Will obviously take it on-list before any decisions are made. So far I'm
> just talking about discussing a prototype.

Sounds good.  I think we will have the best chance of success if we
keep it real simple.  I don't want this to turn into a propaganda war
about using everyone's favorite tool.  I just want to write down a
database schema that mimics the organization of the existing wiki
page, put a thin web interface around it, and call it a day.  It will
take longer to analyze whether some other tool is sufficiently close
to that than it will to write a tool that is exactly that.


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