Rod Taylor <> writes:
> Right now pg_catalog sneaks its way onto the search_path for everybody. That
> is fine for execution but information listing like this should probably
> ignore those additions.

Actually, the single worst, most misleading, pernicious and dangerous
aspect of the currently committed behavior is exactly that it doesn't
work exactly like the search path.  If I say "\df foo", it should tell
me about the same function(s) I would get from "select foo(...)".
As-is, it would tell me about a user-defined function even if that
function is masked by a similarly named system function.  I don't
think that should *ever* happen.  The converse is true if I have a
user function masking a system function (which is also possible, though
not with the default search path).  So it's arguable that both 'S'
and the reverse are bad ideas.

                        regards, tom lane

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