On Tue, Sep 9, 2008 at 3:04 AM, MUHAMMAD ASIF <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>      I am currently working in EnterpriseDB (www.enterprisedb.com). During 
> the integration of pldebugger ( http://pgfoundry.org/projects/edb-debugger ) 
> with postgres on windows  I faced a problem that plugins are not being copied 
> to the lib/plugins directory. Plugins should be copied in (Installation 
> dir)lib/plugins to work properly.
>      To solve this problem I added PLUGINS logic in the Windows Perl build 
> scripts of PostgreSQL 8.3.3. It searches for PLUGINS variable in the contrib 
> Makefile and processes "PLUGINS" as "MODULES" and copies the generated plugin 
> library to the (Installation dir)lib/plugins.
> Please find the attached plugin.patch file. Thanks.


I've been assigned to review this patch, but I confess I'm a little
murky on what problem it's trying to solve.  Can you explain what I
need to do to recreate the problem?

There's also this comment on the Wiki (not sure why it wasn't posted
to the mailing list...): "Dave Page says: This doesn't work with the
edb-debugger plugin, which is the only such plugin around AFAIK. It
needs to ignore comments on the PLUGINS line, and handle multiple
targets (plugin_debugger, pldbgapi, targetinfo etc). Not sure if we
want that complexity though."  Any comments?



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