Now all is ok, it was a temrorary difficulties.
Anatoly K. Lasareff wrote:
>>>>>>"OB" == Oleg Bartunov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> OB> Hi,
> OB> I'm about to announce a release of OpenFTS search engine.
> OB> Short blurb:
> OB> OpenFTS (Open Source Full Text Search engine)
> OB> is an advanced PostgreSQL-based search engine
> OB> that provides online indexing of data and relevance
> OB> ranking for database searching. Close integration
> OB> with database allows use of metadata to restrict
> OB> search results.
> OB> This is actually what we use at and
> OB> several other sites. Perl version is available for download,
> OB> TCL version (with AOL server support) will be available soon -
> OB> actually it just needs to wrap a release.
> OB> The OpenFTS project web site -
> Sorry, but I have received:
> Not Found
> The requested URL / was not found on this server.
> Apache/1.3.19 Server at Port 80
Teodor Sigaev
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