am  Mon, dem 24.11.2008, um  9:02:37 -0500 mailte Tom Lane folgendes:
> Andrew Dunstan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > Dave Page wrote:
> >> It might also be useful to create such a database at initdb time so
> >> newbies have something interesting to look at right away.
> > No, there is no need to clutter every installation in the world with 
> > such a database. You could make it an addon module, or a pgfoundry project.
> The whole thing strikes me as extreme overkill, not to mention a
> misunderstanding of what an example is supposed to be for.  If we're
> going to insist that every example in the docs work when
> copied-and-pasted into an empty database, then simple and to-the-point
> examples will be history.  Instead of one-liners we'll have clutter.

For a beginner, a "relation 'foo' does not exist" is a clean message,
but a "function foo() does not exist" from an example in the doc are a real
problem. And, in this example in my first post, the call to the
nonexistent function are neither necessary nor 'to-the-point' to explain a

The starting point for my post was a real question on IRC today.
Someone was really confused because he tried to use this nonexistent
funktion to log something into a log-file. I think, this example can
rewritten, either without this funktion-call or with raise notice ...

Regards, Andreas
Andreas Kretschmer
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