On Sunday 09 November 2008 22:35:01 David Rowley wrote:
> I've been trying to think of a use case for using ROW_NUMBER() with no ORDER
> BY in the window clause. 
> Using the example table I always seem to be using, for those who missed it
> in other threads.
> create table employees (
>   id INT primary key,
>   name varchar(30) not null,
>   department varchar(30) not null,
>   salary int not null,
>   check (salary >= 0)
> );
> insert into employees values(1,'Jeff','IT',10000);
> insert into employees values(2,'Sam','IT',12000);
> insert into employees values(3,'Richard','Manager',30000);
> insert into employees values(4,'Ian','Manager',20000);
> insert into employees values(5,'John','IT',60000);
> insert into employees values(6,'Matthew','Director',60000);
> david=# select *,row_number() over () from employees;
>  id |  name   | department | salary | row_number
> ----+---------+------------+--------+------------
>   1 | Jeff    | IT         |  10000 |          1
>   2 | Sam     | IT         |  12000 |          2
>   4 | Ian     | Manager    |  20000 |          3
>   5 | John    | IT         |  60000 |          4
>   6 | Matthew | Director   |  60000 |          5
>   3 | Richard | Manager    |  30000 |          6
> (6 rows)
> row_number seems to assign the rows a number in order of how it reads them
> from the heap. Just to confirm...
> update employees set salary = salary where id = 3;
> david=# select *,row_number() over () from employees;
>  id |  name   | department | salary | row_number
> ----+---------+------------+--------+------------
>   1 | Jeff    | IT         |  10000 |          1
>   2 | Sam     | IT         |  12000 |          2
>   4 | Ian     | Manager    |  20000 |          3
>   5 | John    | IT         |  60000 |          4
>   6 | Matthew | Director   |  60000 |          5
>   3 | Richard | Manager    |  30000 |          6
> (6 rows)
> The spec says: "The ROW_NUMBER function computes the sequential row number,
> starting with 1 (one) for the first row, of the row within its window
> partition according to the window ordering of the window."
> I'm just not sure if we should block this or not. 
> Does anyone see this as a feature?
> Does anyone see this as a bug?
> Any feedback is welcome

I see this as a greate feature.
It will hopefully be possible to write:

SELECT *, max(row_number()) over() as total_rows from employees;

To get the maximum number of rows in a separate column. Very usefull when 
writing queries to retrieve "paged" results. Like "Give me the 20 top articles 
sorted on date and also the total number of articles" in *one* query, 
eliminating the need for a separate count(*) query.

There was some discussion regarding this here:

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