2008/11/9 David Rowley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hitoshi Harada Wrote:
>> > although attached is the whole (split) patch.
> I'm having some trouble getting these patches to patch cleanly. I think it's
> because of this that I can't get postgres to compile after applying the
> patch.
> It errors out at tuptoaster.c some constants seem to be missing from
> fmgroids.h
> If I open src/include/utils/fmgroids.h
> The only constaint being defined is:
> #define F__NULL_ 31
> I'd assume it was a problem with my setup, but the CVS head compiles fine.
> Let me know if I'm doing something wrong.

> patching file src/include/catalog/pg_proc.h
> Hunk #4 FAILED at 106.
> 1 out of 4 hunks FAILED -- saving rejects to file
> src/include/catalog/pg_proc.h.rej

As it says pg_proc.h may have conflicts. The patch is not against HEAD
but based on the same as the previous (v08) patch. I am remote now so
I'm not sure but could you try to find conflicts in pg_proc.h? The
pg_proc catalog has been added 1 column called prociswfunc (bool) in
the patch. All you have to do is add 'f' in the middle of new-coming
Sorry for annoying, and I'll be back in hours.


Hitoshi Harada

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