
== Proposal - GROUPING SETS ==

a grouping set feature allows multiple grouping clauses in one
query. Result of grouping sets is union of results each groupby
clause's result.

create table t(a int, b int);
insert into t values(10,20);
insert into t values(30,40);

select a, b from t group by grouping sets(a, b);

is same as:

select a, NULL from t group by a
union all
select NULL, b from t group by b;

Note: all ungrouped vars are transformed to NULL

Groupby clause should contains cube and rollup lists.
These are transformed to grouping sets via transformed rules:

create table t1(a int, b int, c int)

group by rollup(a, b, c)
group by grouping sets((a,b,c), (a,b), (a), ())

group by cube(a,b,c)
group by grouping sets ((a,b,c),(a,b),(a,c), (a), (b,c),
                        (b), (c), ())

Groupby clause or grouping sets should contains more sets.
Result is multiplication of these sets:

group by grouping sets(a), grouping sets(b, (b,c), ())
group by grouping sets((a,b), (a,b,c), (a))

When grouping sets are used, then we should to use grouping
and grouping_id functions. Function grouping returns 1 when
parameter is in current group set, else returns 0. Function
grouping_id returns value as

grouping_id(a,b,c) =
to_dec(to_bin(grouping(a) || grouping(b) || grouping(c)))

postgres=# select * from t;
 a  | b  | c
 10 | 20 | 30
 10 | 20 | 30
(2 rows)

postgres=# select a,b,c from t group by grouping sets(a,b,c);
 a  | b  | c
 10 |    |
    | 20 |
    |    | 30
(3 rows)

postgres=# select a,b,c, grouping(a), grouping(b), grouping(c),
           grouping_id(a,b,c) from t group by grouping sets(a,b,c);
 a  | b  | c  | grouping | grouping | grouping | grouping_id
 10 |    |    |        1 |        0 |        0 |           4
    | 20 |    |        0 |        1 |        0 |           2
    |    | 30 |        0 |        0 |        1 |           1
(3 rows)

some real sample:

create table report(
  inserted date,
  locality varchar,
  name varchar,
  c int);

postgres=# copy report to stdout;
2008-10-10      Prague  Milk    10
2008-10-11      Prague  Milk    12
2008-10-10      Prague  Rum     2
2008-10-11      Prague  Rum     6
2008-10-10      Berlin  Milk    8
2008-10-11      Berlin  Milk    14
2008-10-10      Berlin  Beer    20
2008-10-11      Berlin  Beer    25

postgres=# select * from report;
  inserted  | locality | name | c
 2008-10-10 | Prague   | Milk | 10
 2008-10-11 | Prague   | Milk | 12
 2008-10-10 | Prague   | Rum  |  2
 2008-10-11 | Prague   | Rum  |  6
 2008-10-10 | Berlin   | Milk |  8
 2008-10-11 | Berlin   | Milk | 14
 2008-10-10 | Berlin   | Beer | 20
 2008-10-11 | Berlin   | Beer | 25
(8 rows)

postgres=# select inserted, locality, name, sum(c)
              from report
             group by grouping sets(inserted, locality, name);
  inserted  | locality | name | sum
 2008-10-10 |          |      |  40
 2008-10-11 |          |      |  57
            | Berlin   |      |  67
            | Prague   |      |  30
            |          | Milk |  44
            |          | Rum  |   8
            |          | Beer |  45
(7 rows)

postgres=# select inserted, locality, name, sum(c)
              from report
             group by grouping sets(inserted, (locality, name));
  inserted  | locality | name | sum
 2008-10-10 |          |      |  40
 2008-10-11 |          |      |  57
            | Prague   | Milk |  22
            | Berlin   | Milk |  22
            | Berlin   | Beer |  45
            | Prague   | Rum  |   8
(6 rows)

postgres=# select inserted, locality, name, sum(c)
              from report
             group by name, grouping sets(inserted, locality);
  inserted  | locality | name | sum
 2008-10-11 |          | Rum  |   6
 2008-10-10 |          | Rum  |   2
 2008-10-10 |          | Beer |  20
 2008-10-11 |          | Beer |  25
 2008-10-10 |          | Milk |  18
 2008-10-11 |          | Milk |  26
            | Prague   | Rum  |   8
            | Berlin   | Beer |  45
            | Berlin   | Milk |  22
            | Prague   | Milk |  22
(10 rows)

== Implementation ==
Grouping sets introduce a new concept into SQL. One readed
tuple is multiple used. It's similar with WITH clause. It's little
bit dificult implement it for current PostgreSQL's executor.

In my prototype I used aux node Feeder. This node should to hold
only one tuple. I add new method for Agg node, that process only
one input tuple:

        for (;;)
                tuple = feeder->execute(grouping_sets->lefttree);
                foreach(l, grouping_sets->subplans)
                if (is_null(tuple))

It supports only HASH Agg nodes. For non hash agg should be used
other method (currently it isn't supported).

postgres=# explain verbose select inserted, locality, name, sum(c)
                              from report
                             group by name,grouping sets(inserted, locality);
                           QUERY PLAN
 Grouping Sets  (cost=12.00..35.00 rows=400 width=68)
   Output: NULL::date, locality, name, sum(c)
   ->  Seq Scan on report  (cost=0.00..18.00 rows=800 width=68)
         Output: inserted, locality, name, c
   ->  HashAggregate  (cost=6.00..8.50 rows=200 width=68)
         Output: inserted, NULL::character varying, name, sum(c)
         ->  Feeder  (cost=0.00..0.00 rows=800 width=68)
               Output: inserted, locality, name, c
   ->  HashAggregate  (cost=6.00..8.50 rows=200 width=68)
         Output: NULL::date, locality, name, sum(c)
         ->  Feeder  (cost=0.00..0.00 rows=800 width=68)
               Output: inserted, locality, name, c
(12 rows)

After work on prototype I don't see any problems in executor or
parser. I expect some dificulties in planner. With grouping sets
grouping_planner procedure will be much more complex:

1. targetlist and groupclause will be list of list,
2. we should to repeat estimation of NumGroups for each group
   set (it's should be shared with CTE feature??).

== Parser problems ==
1. The identifier cube is used in contrib cube.
   Solution: CUBE '(' ... ')' generates funcCall and it is transformed
   to grouping sets only in groupby clause later.

I invite any ideas, notes and help with documentation.

Pavel Stehule

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