Dave Cramer wrote:

On 21-Jul-08, at 4:28 PM, Andrew Sullivan wrote:

On Mon, Jul 21, 2008 at 01:17:39PM -0700, David E. Wheeler wrote:
pgFoundry ain't the CPAN, alas.

Maybe that's the problem that really needs solving?

One of the big Postgres features is its extensibility. I agree that the extensions can sometimes be hard to find, but surely the answer to that is not an infinitely large source tarball?

I'd have to agree with Andrew here. Making it easy to get extensions would solve lots of problems.

What about starting a secondary team that would review extensions?
Projects on pgfoundry could be identified as reviewed and approved as a
type of recommendation that they are of acceptable quality to use in
production - maybe against certain versions.

What I would see is current core developers teaching a new group of
developers to do the add-on code reviews to a point where they could
continue on by themselves - one or two from core may wish to stay in
this group - with core checking in from time to time to ensure the
quality doesn't slip. Thereby giving some confidence in the use of the
add-ons that get *certified*.

A new add-on would be presented to this group and maybe voted on in one
of the lists (General or Admin?) to get acceptance into the review process.

Anyone interested in starting this?

I do agree that the main code doesn't need to contain every feature that
is available. But we do need to improve the perception of add-ons.
Hardly anyone thinks twice about adding an extension to firefox, perl,
gimp or oscommerce or even drivers to the os, and we need to aim for a
similar thought here.

I do think that having a list of reviewed and approved add-ons that is
easily found on the main site along with release downloads will help
along those lines.

We need to promote that postgresql isn't a one-size-fits-all solution,
it is a solid product that can be customised to suite your needs.


Shane Ambler
pgSQL (at) Sheeky (dot) Biz

Get Sheeky @ http://Sheeky.Biz

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