* Peter Eisentraut <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [080606 08:25]:
> Am Mittwoch, 4. Juni 2008 schrieb Aidan Van Dyk:
> > > When reading this thread, I'm wondering if anybody ever saw a config
> > > file for a complex software product that was easily editable and
> > > understandable. I don't know one. If there was one, it'd be nice to know
> > > it so we can learn from it.
> >
> > PostreSQL, Apache, X.org
> And note that one of the major advances in X.org over XFree86 was that all 
> the 
> useless garbage was removed from the configuration file, so that the final 
> and usable configuration fits on one screen, and you can even write it from 
> memory if you dare to.

Ya, and unfortunately, I haven't got my dual-head to work with recent
distro X.org either, probably because I haven't found how how/where/what
to set in Xorg.conf for new version (and my old one doesn't "just work"
on new X.org either).  So I've got an old x.org version pinned, even
though I'm pretty sure that a newer X.org is probably better, dispite my
lack of ability to configure it.

Go figure ;-)

Aidan Van Dyk                                             Create like a god,
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                                       command like a king,
http://www.highrise.ca/                                   work like a slave.

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