Tatsuo Ishii wrote:
Andreas 'ads' Scherbaum wrote:
On Thu, 29 May 2008 23:02:56 -0400 Andrew Dunstan wrote:

Well, yes, but you do know about archive_timeout, right? No need to wait 2 hours.
Then you ship 16 MB binary stuff every 30 second or every minute but
you only have some kbyte real data in the logfile. This must be taken
into account, especially if you ship the logfile over the internet
(means: no high-speed connection, maybe even pay-per-traffic) to the

Sure there's a price to pay. But that doesn't mean the facility doesn't exist. And I rather suspect that most of Josh's customers aren't too concerned about traffic charges or affected by such bandwidth restrictions. Certainly, none of my clients are, and they aren't in the giant class. Shipping a 16Mb file, particularly if compressed, every minute or so, is not such a huge problem for a great many commercial users, and even many domestic users.

Sumitomo Electric Co., Ltd., a 20 billion dollars selling company in
Japan (parent company of Sumitomo Electric Information Systems Co.,
Ltd., which is one of the Recursive SQL development support company)
uses 100 PostgreSQL servers. They are doing backups by using log
shipping to another data center and have problems with the amount of
the transferring log data. They said this is one of the big problems
they have with PostgreSQL and hope it will be solved in the near

Excellent data point. Now, what I'd like to know is whether they are getting into trouble simply because of the volume of log data generated or because they have a short archive_timeout set. If it's the former (which seems more likely) then none of the ideas I have seen so far in this discussion seemed likely to help, and that would indeed be a major issue we should look at. Another question is this: are they being overwhelmed by the amount of network traffic generated, or by difficulty in postgres producers and/or consumers to keep up? If it's network traffic, then perhaps compression would help us.

Maybe we need to set some goals for the level of log volumes we expect to be able to create/send/comsume.



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