
O.k. here is version 3 of the patch.

It is the same patch except that on standard connect it emits the
client version. It does not emit the server version unless their is a
mismatch. Does that make sense?


Joshua D. Drake

The PostgreSQL Company since 1997: http://www.commandprompt.com/ 
PostgreSQL Community Conference: http://www.postgresqlconference.org/
United States PostgreSQL Association: http://www.postgresql.us/
Donate to the PostgreSQL Project: http://www.postgresql.org/about/donate

? psql-Log
? psql_patch.diff
? psql_patch_v2.diff
? psql_patch_v3.diff
Index: help.c
RCS file: /projects/cvsroot/pgsql/src/bin/psql/help.c,v
retrieving revision 1.126
diff -c -r1.126 help.c
*** help.c	4 Apr 2008 18:00:25 -0000	1.126
--- help.c	23 Apr 2008 16:21:30 -0000
*** 168,173 ****
--- 168,175 ----
  	 * if this " is the start of the string then it ought to end there to fit
  	 * in 80 columns >> "
+ 	fprintf(output, _("Execution\n"));
+ 	fprintf(output, _("  \\g or ;	 execute query\n\n"));
  	fprintf(output, _("General\n"));
  	fprintf(output, _("  \\c[onnect] [DBNAME|- USER|- HOST|- PORT|-]\n"
  			"                 connect to new database (currently \"%s\")\n"),
Index: mainloop.c
RCS file: /projects/cvsroot/pgsql/src/bin/psql/mainloop.c,v
retrieving revision 1.90
diff -c -r1.90 mainloop.c
*** mainloop.c	5 Apr 2008 03:40:15 -0000	1.90
--- mainloop.c	23 Apr 2008 16:21:30 -0000
*** 177,186 ****
  			(line[4] == '\0' || line[4] == ';' || isspace((unsigned char) line[4])))
! 			puts(_("You are using psql, the command-line interface to PostgreSQL."));
! 			puts(_("Enter SQL commands, or type \\? for a list of backslash options."));
! 			puts(_("Use \\h for SQL command help."));
! 			puts(_("Use \\q to quit."));
--- 177,189 ----
  			(line[4] == '\0' || line[4] == ';' || isspace((unsigned char) line[4])))
! 			puts(_("\n"));
! 			puts(_("You are using psql, the command-line interface to PostgreSQL.\n"));
! 			puts(_("\tFor SQL help type \\h or \\help ."));
! 			puts(_("\tFor help using psql type \\? ."));
! 			puts(_("\tTo quit psql type \\q . \n"));
! 			puts(_("\tTo view the copyright type \\copyright . \n"));
Index: prompt.c
RCS file: /projects/cvsroot/pgsql/src/bin/psql/prompt.c,v
retrieving revision 1.51
diff -c -r1.51 prompt.c
*** prompt.c	1 Jan 2008 19:45:56 -0000	1.51
--- prompt.c	23 Apr 2008 16:21:31 -0000
*** 158,164 ****
  					/* DB server user name */
  				case 'n':
  					if (pset.db)
! 						strlcpy(buf, session_username(), sizeof(buf));
  				case '0':
--- 158,164 ----
  					/* DB server user name */
  				case 'n':
  					if (pset.db)
! 						strlcpy(buf, session_username(), sizeof(buf)); 
  				case '0':
Index: startup.c
RCS file: /projects/cvsroot/pgsql/src/bin/psql/startup.c,v
retrieving revision 1.146
diff -c -r1.146 startup.c
*** startup.c	1 Jan 2008 19:45:56 -0000	1.146
--- startup.c	23 Apr 2008 16:21:31 -0000
*** 315,340 ****
  					server_version = server_ver_str;
! 				printf(_("Welcome to %s %s (server %s), the PostgreSQL interactive terminal.\n\n"),
! 					   pset.progname, PG_VERSION, server_version);
! 			}
! 			else
! 				printf(_("Welcome to %s %s, the PostgreSQL interactive terminal.\n\n"),
! 					   pset.progname, PG_VERSION);
! 			printf(_("Type:  \\copyright for distribution terms\n"
! 					 "       \\h for help with SQL commands\n"
! 					 "       \\? for help with psql commands\n"
! 				  "       \\g or terminate with semicolon to execute query\n"
! 					 "       \\q to quit\n\n"));
  			if (pset.sversion / 100 != client_ver / 100)
! 				printf(_("WARNING:  You are connected to a server with major version %d.%d,\n"
! 						 "but your %s client is major version %d.%d.  Some backslash commands,\n"
! 						 "such as \\d, might not work properly.\n\n"),
! 					   pset.sversion / 10000, (pset.sversion / 100) % 100,
! 					   pset.progname,
! 					   client_ver / 10000, (client_ver / 100) % 100);
  #ifdef USE_SSL
--- 315,330 ----
  					server_version = server_ver_str;
!                         }
!                         printf(_("\n\t%s %s\n\n"),
!                         	pset.progname, PG_VERSION);
  			if (pset.sversion / 100 != client_ver / 100)
! 				printf(_("\tWARNING: Server version %d.%d, %s version %d.%d. \n\tpsql features may not work.\n\n"),
! 					pset.sversion / 10000, (pset.sversion / 100) % 100,
! 					pset.progname, client_ver / 10000, (client_ver / 100) % 100);
! 			printf(_("Type: help for help. \n"));
  #ifdef USE_SSL
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