Decibel! wrote:
On Apr 3, 2008, at 4:51 PM, Andrew Dunstan wrote:
Several years ago Bruce and I discussed the then theoretical use of a SELECT query as the source for COPY TO, and we agreed that the sane analog would be to have an INSERT query as the target of COPY FROM.

This idea seems to take that rather further. If doable I think it would be cool, as long as people don't try using it as an alternative storage engine. I can just imagine people creating views over such SELECT statements ...

Why not? There's certainly cases where doing just that could be very valuable. Storing older information that you're less likely to query comes to mind... in those cases you're going to be seqscanning anyway, so being able to read off a compact on-disk form is likely to be a win performance-wise. It could certainly be a win storage-wise.

If someone wants to look at syntax options, I'm pretty certain that Oracle supports this. IIRC you actually create what appears to the database to be a real table, except for restrictions on what you can actually do with it (for example, IIRC it's read-only).

You're serious aren't you?

Quite apart from any other reason why not, this would be a horrid hack and is just the sort of "feature" we rightly eschew, IMNSHO. COPY is designed as a bulk load/unload facility. It's fragile enough in that role.

If we really want to support an alternative storage engine then we should tackle that front on and not via a back door like this.



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