"P. Dwayne Miller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> CREATE TABLE message
> (
>   int4 msgid not null,
>   text msgtext,
>   CONSTRAINT cons_001_pk PRIMARY KEY on (msgid)
> );

> The first two actually create a PRIMARY KEY on msgid.  The third seems
> to have a PRIMARY KEY on 'oid', not 'msgid', though it does create a
> unique index on 'msgid'.

After fixing the several obvious syntax errors, it works fine for me:

regression=# CREATE TABLE message
regression-# (
regression(#   msgid int4 not null,
regression(#   msgtext text,
regression(#   CONSTRAINT cons_001_pk PRIMARY KEY (msgid)
regression(# );
NOTICE:  CREATE TABLE/PRIMARY KEY will create implicit index 'cons_001_pk' for table 
regression=# \d message
        Table "message"
 Attribute |  Type   | Modifier
 msgid     | integer | not null
 msgtext   | text    |
Primary Key: cons_001_pk


Is Cold Fusion perhaps doing strange things to the query behind your
back?  None of those CREATE TABLE commands are legal SQL according
to my references.

                        regards, tom lane

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 4: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

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