On Fri, Feb 29, 2008 at 8:19 PM, Florian G. Pflug <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Pavan Deolasee wrote:
>  > What I am thinking is if we can read ahead these blocks in the shared
>  >  buffers and then apply redo changes to them, it can potentially
>  > improve things a lot. If there are multiple read requests, kernel (or
>  >  controller ?) can probably schedule the reads more efficiently.
>  The same holds true for index scans, though. Maybe we can find a
>  solution that benefits both cases - something along the line of a
>  bgreader process

I agree. Something like bgreader process would make a good sense
as a  general solution. ISTM that this would be first and easy step towards
making recovery faster, without too much complexity in the recovery code

>  > Btw, isn't our redo recovery completely physical in nature ? I mean,
>  > can we replay redo logs related to a block independent of other
>  > blocks ? The reason I am asking because if thats the case, ISTM we
>  > can introduce parallelism in recovery by splitting and reordering the
>  >  xlog records and then run multiple processes to do the redo
>  > recovery.
>  >
>  I'd say its "physical" on the tuple level (We just log the new tuple on an
>  update, not how to calculate it from the old one), but "logical" on the
>  page level (We log the fact that a tuple was inserted on a page, but
>  e.g. the physical location of the tuple on the page can come out
>  differently upon replay).

I think it would be OK if the recovery is logical at page level. As long as
we can apply redo logs in-order for a given page, but out-of-order with
respect to some other page, there is a great scope for introducing
parallelism. Though I would agree with Tom that we need to be extremely
cautious before we do anything like this.

I remember Heikki caught a few bugs in HOT redo recovery while
code reviewing which escaped from the manual crash recovery testing
I did, proving Tom's point that its hard to catch such bugs.


Pavan Deolasee
EnterpriseDB     http://www.enterprisedb.com

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