* Aidan Van Dyk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [080220 17:00]:

> It happens that it's choking on a bunch of the various REL7_1 tags...
> And, the fromcvs converter, which works fine, just happens to *not*
> support importing tags - go figure ;-)
> So, my solution - strip them all out, and low-and-behold, cvsps works
> (and thus, so does git-cvsimport).
> So, for people having problems with the "cvs repository", try and
> eliminate the REL7_1* tags, and see if the problems go away...
> Here's my ugly 30 second perl to "remove" the REL7_* tags...

I see I forgot to include it.

I've found that it's only REL7_1_BETA[23] that cause the problem...

And it seems like both those tags are taging various files from various
points in time, and such a way that cvsps loops forever...

Here' my perl to "fix" the repository and allow cvsps to work:

It's ugly, and I make no guarantee that it doesn't "corrupt" some binary
file somewhere...

        my @TAGS = qw(REL7_1_BETA2 REL7_1_BETA3);
        for my $file (@ARGV)
                my $i, $o;
                my @sb = stat($file);
                printf "%s: %d\n", $file, $sb[7];

                open(INPUT, "<:raw", $file) || die "Couldn't open $file: $!\n";
                $i = sysread INPUT, $buf, $sb[7];
                close INPUT;

                for my $tag (@TAGS)
                        $buf =~ s/      $tag:[.0-9]*\n//es;
                        $buf =~ s/\n    $tag:[.0-9]*;\n/;\n/es;

                open OUTPUT, ">:raw", "$file.new";
                $o = syswrite OUTPUT, $buf;
                close OUTPUT;
                printf "IN: %d OUT: %d\n", $i, $o;
                rename ("$file.new", $file) || die "Couldn't rename: $!\n";

Run it over the repository like:
        find CVSROOT/pgsql -name \*,v | xargs perl parse.pl



Aidan Van Dyk                                             Create like a god,
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                                       command like a king,
http://www.highrise.ca/                                   work like a slave.

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