Gevik Babakhani wrote:

> 4. Locale names are different in MS Windows. I created a C app to test
> gettext on Windows. 
> setting LC_MESSAGES to Spanisg_Spain and German_Germany works but es_ES and
> de_DE do not :(
> SET LC_MESSAGES to '....' has no effect because:
> A. gettext compiled/linked in MSVC looks for the locale of the current
> thread and NOT the LC_MESSAGES,LANGIAGE,LANG... environment variables. See
> gettext's sources....
> B. Given current thread's locale Spanish_Spain, gettext fails to find a
> directory called "Spanish_Spain" in share/locale. As result English names
> are returned.

What this really means is that locale support is completely broken in
the MSVC build, i.e. you cannot get localized strings at all (not just
to_char()).  Is this correct?  If so, this is a serious problem.

Alvaro Herrera                      
The PostgreSQL Company - Command Prompt, Inc.

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TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

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