Magnus Hagander <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Not sure if this is platform-specific, but I keep being annoyed by not 
> being able to actually *view* the patches in the queue. I have to 
> download them, and then open them separately. I can't just view them in 
> the browser, because they're all named ".bin" and come out as mime type 
> "application/octet-stream".

Yeah, it happens that way for me too.  The other huge, huge problem with
it is the lack of stability of URLs for the items in the list, which
makes it difficult to identify which item you're talking about.

Personally I'd be happier with an editable wiki page consisting of links
to the original messages in the mail list archives, plus free-format
annotations (such as status).  This should be trivial to set up and
reasonably flexible.  With experience we might find we need something
fancier, but let's not overdesign our solution at the start.

                        regards, tom lane

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