> >> 1. Space reclamation via UNDO doesn't excite me a whole lot, if we can
> >> make lightweight VACUUM work well.
> > Sorry, but I'm going to consider background vacuum as temporary solution
> > only. As I've already pointed, original PG authors finally became
> > disillusioned with the same approach.
> How could they become disillusioned with it, when they never tried it?
> I know of no evidence that any version of PG has had backgroundable
> (non-blocking-to-other-transactions) VACUUM, still less within-relation
> space recycling. They may have become disillusioned with the form of
> VACUUM that they actually had (ie, the same one we've inherited) --- but
> please don't call that "the same approach" I'm proposing.
Pre-Postgres'95 (original) versions had vacuum daemon running in
background. I don't know if that vacuum shrinked relations or not
(there was no shrinking in '95 version), I know that daemon had to
do some extra work in moving old tuples to archival storage, but
anyway as you can read in old papers in the case of consistent heavy
load daemon was not able to cleanup storage fast enough. And the
reason is obvious - no matter how optimized your daemon will be
(in regard to blocking other transactions etc), it will have to
perform huge amount of IO just to find space available for reclaiming.
> Certainly, doing VACUUM this way is an experiment that may fail, or may
> require further work before it really works well. But I'd appreciate it
> if you wouldn't prejudge the results of the experiment.
Why not, Tom? Why shouldn't I say my opinion?
Last summer your comment about WAL, may experiment that time, was that
it will save just a few fsyncs. It was your right to make prejudment,
what's wrong with my rights? And you appealed to old papers as well, BTW.
> > Understandable, but why other transactions should read dirty data again
> > and again waiting for background vacuum? I think aborted transaction
> > should take some responsibility for mess made by them -:)
> They might read it again and again before the failed xact gets around to
> removing the data, too. You cannot rely on UNDO for correctness; at
> most it can be a speed/space optimization. I see no reason to assume
> that it's a more effective optimization than a background vacuum
> process.
Really?! Once again: WAL records give you *physical* address of tuples
(both heap and index ones!) to be removed and size of log to read
records from is not comparable with size of data files.
> >> Another thought: do we need WAL UNDO at all to implement savepoints?
> >> Is there some way we could do them like nested transactions, wherein
> >> each savepoint-to-savepoint segment is given its own transaction number?
> > Implicit savepoints wouldn't be possible - this is very convenient
> > feature I've found in Oracle.
> Why not? Seems to me that establishing implicit savepoints is just a
> user-interface issue; you can do it, or not do it, regardless of the
> underlying mechanism.
Implicit savepoints are setted by server automatically before each
query execution - you wouldn't use transaction IDs for this.
> >> Implementing UNDO without creating lots of performance issues looks
> >> a lot harder.
> > What *performance* issues?!
> > The only issue is additional disk requirements.
> Not so. UNDO does failed-transaction cleanup work in the interactive
> backends, where it necessarily delays clients who might otherwise be
> issuing their next command. A VACUUM-based approach does the cleanup
> work in the background. Same work, more or less, but it's not in the
> clients' critical path.
Not same work but much more and in the critical pathes of all clients.
And - is overall performance of Oracle or Informix worse then in PG?
Seems delays in clients for rollback doesn't affect performance so much.
But dirty storage does it.
> BTW, UNDO for failed transactions alone will not eliminate the need for
> VACUUM. Will you also make successful transactions go back and
> physically remove the tuples they deleted?
They can't do this, as you know pretty well. But using WAL to get TIDs to
be deleted is considerable, no?
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