On Wed, 2007-12-19 at 15:51 -0500, Mark Mielke wrote: 
> That sounds possible, but I still feel myself suspecting that disk
> reads will be much slower than localized text comparison. Perhaps I am
> overestimating the performance of the comparison function?

I think this simple test will change your perceptions:

Do an initdb with --locale="en_US.UTF-8" and start postgres.

test=> create table sorter(t text, b bytea, f float); CREATE TABLE
test=> insert into sorter select r AS rt, r::text::bytea AS rb, r AS rf
from (select random() as r from generate_series(1,1000000)) a;
INSERT 0 1000000
test=> select pg_size_pretty(pg_total_relation_size('sorter'));
70 MB
(1 row)

test=> explain analyze select * from sorter order by t; 
test=> explain analyze select * from sorter order by b;
test=> explain analyze select * from sorter order by f;

On my machine this table fits easily in memory (so there aren't any disk
reads at all). Sorting takes 7 seconds for floats, 9 seconds for binary
data, and 20 seconds for localized text. That's much longer than it
would take to read that data from disk, since it's only 70MB (which
takes a fraction of a second on my machine).

I think this disproves your hypothesis that sorting happens at disk

> Yep - I started to read up on it. It still sounds like it's a hard-ish
> problem (to achieve near N times speedup for N CPU cores without
> degrading performance for existing loads), but that doesn't mean
> impossible. :-)

You don't even need multiple cores to achieve a speedup, according to
Ron's reference.

        Jeff Davis

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