On Mon, 2007-12-03 at 12:15 -0500, Andrew Dunstan wrote:
> Magnus Hagander wrote:
> > Hi!
> >
> > When you redid the msvc build stuff you seem to have missed the
> > documentatino.. Specifically, I notice that buildenv.pl isn't documented -
> > docs still say buildenv.bat is the way to go.
> >
> > Also, do we now have both buildenv.bat and buildenv.pl? (I have them both
> > in my environment, but that could be a result of being lazy)
> >
> >
> >   
> My recollection is that I changed the minimum amount necessary, because 
> I was expecting us to go into beta at anmy moment (silly me). That might 
> be why we still have both. There was an expectation that some cleanup 
> might be required during 8.4 development. I know I left other .bat files 
> as wrappers for the perl scripts, but that's obviously not appropriate 
> here. I'll see if I can adjust builddoc.bat so we can get rid of 
> buildenv.bat.
> As for documentation, you're probably right, I could easily have missed 
> it. I'll look into it.

Great. Let me know if you need me to poke at anything.


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