Hello Here's the stored procedure itself,as well as the related tables involved in it's calculations. The idea for procedure is to find longest prefix match for destination number,try to find it in table 'billing' for particular users,find the price,and insert message into history and inqueue table,as well as to decreace the user's balance in table 'users'. Would it help to put all prefices,prices data in some sort of cache and let procedure first try to match with data from cache and if it can't find to try to get data from table itself from hard disk ?
I'm looking for some solution where this procedure can operate at higher loads and to leave other parts of database operational as much as it could. --Procedure--- create type dajbre as (status int,id bigint); CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION proc_uni(integer,integer,inet,text,integer,integer,text,integer,integer, text,int, int,boolean,text) RETURNS setof dajbre AS ' DECLARE uid alias for $1; pid alias for $2; ip_i alias for $3; s_number alias for $4; s_ton_i alias for $5; s_npi_i alias for $6; d_number alias for $7; d_ton_i alias for $8; d_npi_i alias for $9; mess alias for $10; dcs_i alias for $11; esm_i alias for $12; delivery_i alias for $13; u_mess_id_i alias for $14; r dajbre%rowtype; prefixfound boolean; prefixprice billing.price%TYPE; dest_num_len int; tmp_dest_number text; tmp_user_bal numeric; tmp_returnval int; novi_status int; tmp_his_id bigint; tmp_u_mess_id_i text; begin dest_num_len := char_length(d_number); tmp_dest_number := d_number; prefixfound := false; while dest_num_len > 0 loop select into prefixprice price from billing where u_id=uid and prefix=tmp_dest_number; if not found then tmp_dest_number := substring (tmp_dest_number from 1 for dest_num_len-1); dest_num_len := char_length(tmp_dest_number); else prefixfound := true; exit; end if; end loop; if prefixfound=false then tmp_returnval :=11; novi_status :=11; else if prefixprice = 0 then tmp_returnval :=11; novi_status :=50; else select into tmp_user_bal maxsms-cursms from users where id=uid; if tmp_user_bal < prefixprice then tmp_returnval :=11; novi_status :=51; else tmp_returnval :=0; end if; end if; end if; if tmp_returnval = 0 then insert into history (ip,source,dest,message,dcs,esm,s_ton,s_npi,d_ton,d_npi,u_id,delivery,price,p_id,u_mess_id) values (ip_i,s_number,d_number,decode(mess,''base64''),dcs_i,esm_i,s_ton_i,s_npi_i,d_ton_i,d_npi_i,uid,delivery_i,prefixprice,pid,u_mess_id_i); tmp_his_id := currval(''history_id_seq''); if pid = 2 then if u_mess_id_i = 0 then tmp_u_mess_id_i := ''''; else tmp_u_mess_id_i := u_mess_id_i; end if; else if pid = 3 then tmp_u_mess_id_i := tmp_his_id ; end if; end if; update history set u_mess_id = tmp_u_mess_id_i where id = tmp_his_id; update users set cursms=cursms+ prefixprice where id=uid; insert into inqueue(id, u_id) values (tmp_his_id, uid); r.status := 0; r.id := tmp_his_id; return next r; else insert into rejected (ip,source,dest,message,dcs,esm,s_ton,s_npi,d_ton,d_npi,status,u_id,delivery,u_mess_id) values (ip_i,s_number,d_number,decode(mess,''base64''),dcs_i,esm_i,s_ton_i,s_npi_i,d_ton_i,d_npi_i,novi_status,uid,delivery_i,u_mess_id_i); r.status := 11; r.id := 0; return next r; end if; return; end; ' language 'plpgsql'; --------------------- ---Billing table----- Table "public.billing" Column | Type | Modifiers ------------+----------------+------------------------------------------------------ id | integer | not null default nextval('billing_id_seq'::regclass) u_id | integer | not null prefix | text | operator | integer | price | numeric(20,10) | comment | text | new_prefix | boolean | default false Indexes: "billing_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id) "bil_uid" btree (u_id) Foreign-key constraints: "$1" FOREIGN KEY (u_id) REFERENCES users(id) "$2" FOREIGN KEY ("operator") REFERENCES operators(id) --------------------- ----Users table------ Column | Type | Modifiers --------------------+----------------+---------------------------------------------------- id | integer | not null default nextval('users_id_seq'::regclass) username | text | not null password | text | not null name | text | email | text | mobile | text | phone | text | company | text | ownnum | text | reseller | boolean | default false reseller_id | integer | default 1 url | bytea | not null maxsmpp | smallint | default 2 maxucp | smallint | default 1 http_enabled | boolean | default true smpp_enabled | boolean | default true ucp_enabled | boolean | default true enabled | boolean | default true comment | text | priority | smallint | default 1 cursms | numeric(20,10) | default 0 maxsms | numeric(20,10) | default 0 address | text | fax | text | techname | text | techemail | text | techphone | text | finname | text | finemail | text | finphone | text | url_u | text | send_daily_balance | boolean | default true currency | integer | default 1 country | integer | default 0 em_email | text | em_phone | text | log | boolean | default false postpay | boolean | default false sale_category | text | poen | numeric(20,10) | commission | numeric(20,10) | desktop | boolean | default false Indexes: "users_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id) "users_username_key" UNIQUE, btree (username) Foreign-key constraints: "users_sale_category_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (sale_category) REFERENCES sale_categories(id) ----------------------------- ----Inqueue table------------ Table "public.inqueue" Column | Type | Modifiers --------+-----------------------------+--------------- id | bigint | not null time | timestamp without time zone | default now() u_id | integer | Indexes: "inqueue_date" btree ("time") "inqueue_idx" btree (id) Foreign-key constraints: "$3" FOREIGN KEY (u_id) REFERENCES users(id) -------------------------------- ----------History table--------- Table "public.history" Column | Type | Modifiers -----------+-----------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------- id | bigint | not null default nextval(('history_id_seq'::text)::regclass) date | date | default now() time | time without time zone | default now() source | text | not null dest | text | not null message | bytea | dcs | integer | default 0 esm | integer | default 0 s_ton | smallint | default 1 s_npi | smallint | default 1 d_ton | smallint | default 1 d_npi | smallint | default 1 status | integer | default -1 u_id | integer | mess_id | text | d_date | timestamp without time zone | provider | integer | default -1 delivery | boolean | default true p_id | integer | msg_type | integer | default 1 ip | inet | u_mess_id | text | priority | smallint | default 2 price | numeric(20,10) | Indexes: "hist_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id) "hist_date" btree (date) "hist_dest" btree (dest) "hist_dr" btree (date, mess_id, provider) "hist_mess_id" btree (mess_id) "hist_uid_date" btree (u_id, date) "hist_users" btree (u_id) Foreign-key constraints: "hist_msgtype" FOREIGN KEY (msg_type) REFERENCES msg_type(id) "hist_pid" FOREIGN KEY (p_id) REFERENCES protocols(id) "hist_provider" FOREIGN KEY (provider) REFERENCES providers(id) "hist_uid1" FOREIGN KEY (u_id) REFERENCES users(id) -------------------------------- -----Rejected table-------------- Table "public.rejected" Column | Type | Modifiers -----------+------------------------+----------------------------------------------------- id | bigint | date | date | default ('now'::text)::date time | time without time zone | default ('now'::text)::time(6) with time zone source | text | dest | text | message | bytea | dcs | integer | esm | integer | s_ton | smallint | s_npi | smallint | d_ton | smallint | d_npi | smallint | status | integer | u_id | integer | delivery | boolean | p_id | integer | ip | inet | u_mess_id | text | ajdi | bigint | not null default nextval('rejected_ajdi'::regclass) Indexes: "rejected_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (ajdi) "rejected_temp_date" btree (date) --------------------------------- Sincerely Pera --- Usama Dar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > On Dec 2, 2007 7:40 AM, Dragan Zubac > <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > > Hello > > > > I have a stored procedure which does the billing > stuff > > in our system,it works ok,but if I put in > > production,where there is some 5-10 billing events > per > > second,the whole database slows down. It won't > even > > drop some test table,reindex,vacuum,things which > were > > done before in the blink of an eye. If I stop the > > application which calls the procedure,all is back > to > > normal. > > > > We didn't implement any special locking mechanism > in > > the procedure,all is default. The procedure is > > updating user's balance in table 'users'. On the > other > > hand a couple of 'heavy load' table has foreign > keys > > pointing to table 'users'. > > > > Is it the matter of concurency and some locking > issue > > or maybe the existing of all those foreign keys > > pointing to table 'users',or maybe something else > > which we're not aware at the moment ? > > > Can you please post your procedure and explain plan > of the SQL which the > procedure uses to do the billing stuff . There can > be a zillion reasons for > the performance problems you are seeing, but the > email does not provide > enough information. > > > > > > Sincerely > > > > Pera > > > > > > > > > ____________________________________________________________________________________ > > Be a better sports nut! Let your teams follow you > > with Yahoo Mobile. Try it now. > > > http://mobile.yahoo.com/sports;_ylt=At9_qDKvtAbMuh1G1SQtBI7ntAcJ > > > > ---------------------------(end of > broadcast)--------------------------- > > TIP 7: You can help support the PostgreSQL project > by donating at > > > > > http://www.postgresql.org/about/donate > > > > > > -- > Usama Munir Dar http://linkedin.com/in/usamadar > Consultant Architect > Cell:+92 321 5020666 > Skype: usamadar > ____________________________________________________________________________________ Be a better pen pal. Text or chat with friends inside Yahoo! Mail. 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