I dont understand vacuum a lot.. I admit I am stupid :-)
When you say scanned... do you mean reads or do you mean writes?
Since its really writes that I am having trouble.. the auto vacuum
message tells me 11 pages were removed and so many tuples were
removed.. I am guessing its writes.
I can try vacuuming that table before it starts the run to see it can
avoid that..
Tom Lane wrote:
"Jignesh K. Shah" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
So from the PostgreSQL view things are doing fine based on outputs: I
need to figure out the Solaris view on it now.
Could it be related to autovacuum happening also?
Maybe ... have you tried fiddling with the vacuum_cost_delay options?
Looking at the autovacuum log output,
2007-11-13 09:21:19.830 PST 9458 LOG: automatic vacuum of table
"specdb.public.txn_log_table": index scans: 1
pages: 11 removed, 105 remain
tuples: 3147 removed, 40 remain
system usage: CPU 0.11s/0.09u sec elapsed 6.02 sec
it seems like a serious omission that this gives you no hint how many
pages were scanned.
regards, tom lane
---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings