> Build a file with 100k INSERT statements in it, and run psql -f on that
> file ... no BEGIN/END in the file, just straight INSERTs ... what is the
> max throughput ppl can see?
Hmmmm.... Depends. Inserting up to 5,000 of Apache log records takes no
longer than a couple of wallclock minutes on Pentium-133 with 48 MB RAM and
no-cache Fujitsu IDE HDD (no DMA). (OK, OK, it's a home server, under my
desk :) No psql -f, though, using a home brewn dumb script runner. And yes,
no fsync and 10 inserts per transaction. Relation is currently 350,000+
Not sure whether it makes interest. Care to send your file for me to try
it out? [bg]zip is OK.
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