Franck Martin wrote:
> I have no idea if what I say is true about the PG distribution by PG people, but
> I have noticed than in the rpms of other distros the postgresql-devel rpms do not
> include all the .h files necessary to build PG extensions. For instance the
> rtree.h and itup.h and gist.h headers are missing. Could you please ensure that
> all the headers are taken into account when you write your spec file.
> May be also in the tar.gz or tar.bz2 distribution (bz2 is more effective than gz
> and available on all platforms) you add a developer file that list all the
> required headers, so that package builders know which files to include.

In my experience so far, it is also noticably slower than gzip. It does
work, and it is available. I have not yet been convinced that the space
savings is worth the time lost. But ISTM this is a minor point.

> It seems that the rpm distributions will go as:
> postgresql
> postgresql-docs (user and manager docs)
> postgresql-devel (header files and developper docs)

Actually, since you can suppress installation of the docs with --nodocs,
I would very much prefer to keep the html and text docs in the main RPM.
Otherwise I have two directories in /usr/doc for one software suite.

The 'hard copy' docs can go whereever they want as far as I'm concerned,
since I typically have little use for paper these days.

Of course, these are only my preferences, but it seems unlikely that the
assertions above are universally accepted  either.

Karl DeBisschop

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