Thomas Lockhart <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Anyone have suggestions for Mathew?
>> for postgresql-7.1RC2.tar.gz, here is my `make check' for NetBSD/sparc64:
>> digging into the regression.diffs, i can see that:
>> - reltime failed because it just had:
>> ! psql: Backend startup failed
The postmaster log file should have more info, but a first thought is
that you ran up against process or swap-space limitations. The parallel
check has fifty-odd processes going at its peak, which is more than the
default per-user process limit on many Unixen.
>> - inherit fails because the ordering is invalid, eg:
Ordering issues are not really bugs (cf documentation about interpreting
regression results), although it'd be interesting to know if these diffs
still occur after you resolve the other failures.
>> - create_index failed because of some weird error that may
>> have more to do with the quick-n-dirty installation i have
>> on the SS20 i'm doing the test on:
>> CREATE INDEX hash_i4_index ON hash_i4_heap USING hash (random int4_ops);
>> + ERROR: cannot read block 3 of hash_i4_index: Bad address
"Bad address"? That seems pretty bizarre.
>> i will be reinstalling this SS20 with a full installation sometime in
>> the next few days. i will re-run the testsuite after this to see if
>> that is causing any of the lossage.
Please let us know.
regards, tom lane
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