Philip Warner wrote:
> At 13:49 16/03/01 -0500, Jan Wieck wrote:
> >
> >    Similar problem as with shared  memory  -  size.  If  a  long
> >    running  backend  of  a multithousand table database needs to
> >    send access stats per table - and had accessed them all up to
> >    now - it'll be alot of wasted bandwidth.
> Not if you only send totals for individual counters when they change; some
> stats may never be resynced, but for the most part it will work. Also, does
> Unix allow interrupts to occur as a result of data arrivibg in a pipe? If
> so, how about:
> - All backends to do *blocking* IO to collector.

    The  general  problem  remains.  We  only  have  one  central
    collector with a limited receive capacity.  The more load  is
    on  the  machine,  the  smaller it's capacity gets.  The more
    complex the DB schemas get  and  the  more  load  is  on  the
    system,  the  more interesting accurate statistics get.  Both
    factors are contraproductive. More complex schema means  more
    tables  and  thus  bigger  messages.  More  load  means  more
    messages.  Having good statistics on a toy system while  they
    get  worse  for  a  web  backend  server  that's really under
    pressure is braindead from the start.

    We don't want the backends to block,  so  that  they  can  do
    THEIR work. That's to process queries, nothing else.

    Pipes  seem  to  be  inappropriate  because  their  buffer is
    limited to 4K on Linux and most BSD flavours. Message  queues
    are too because they are limited to 2K on most BSD's. So only
    sockets remain.

    If we have multiple processes that try to  receive  from  the
    UDP  socket,  condense  the  received  packets  into  summary
    messages and send them to the central collector,  this  might
    solve the problem.



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