On 07 Feb 2001 at 20:15 (-0500), Tom Lane wrote:
| Vince Vielhaber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
| > Now I get:
| > byacc -d  preproc.y
| > byacc: f - maximum table size exceeded
| > gmake[4]: *** [preproc.c] Error 2
| Better install bison if you want to work with CVS sources ...
| the lack of bison probably explains why it's failing for you on
| this system when it's OK on other FreeBSD boxes.

I concur that bison is required -- A fresh OpenBSD install failed
to build with the same error mentioned above until I installed bison.

| I wonder if we ought not accept byacc as a suitable yacc in configure?
| Peter, what do you think?

I can agree with this approach, unless there is some magic to get
byacc to work. In any case, there should be a note in the installation
docs stating that bison must be used when working with the CVS src.


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