Could we add a flag to remove the postgres specific information from a pg_dump? -- UPDATE "pg_class" SET "reltriggers" = 0 WHERE "relname" ~* 'market_type'; BEGIN TRANSACTION; CREATE TEMP TABLE "tr" ("tmp_relname" name, "tmp_reltriggers" smallint); INSERT INTO "tr" SELECT C."relname", count(T."oid") FROM "pg_class" C, "pg_trigger" T WHERE C."oid" = T."tgrelid" AND C."relname" ~* 'market_type' GROUP BY 1; UPDATE "pg_class" SET "reltriggers" = TMP."tmp_reltriggers" FROM "tr" TMP WHERE "pg_class"."relname" = TMP."tmp_relname"; DROP TABLE "tr"; COMMIT TRANSACTION; -- These make importing into other database systems rather difficult. -- Rod Taylor There are always four sides to every story: your side, their side, the truth, and what really happened.
BEGIN:VCARD VERSION:2.1 N:Taylor;Rod;B FN:Taylor, Rod B ORG:BarChord Entertainment Inc.;System Operation and Development TITLE:Chief Technical Officer ADR;WORK:;;;Toronto;Ontario;;Canada LABEL;WORK;ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE:Toronto, Ontario=0D=0ACanada X-WAB-GENDER:2 URL: URL: BDAY:19790401 EMAIL;INTERNET:[EMAIL PROTECTED] EMAIL;PREF;INTERNET:[EMAIL PROTECTED] EMAIL;INTERNET:[EMAIL PROTECTED] REV:20010124T194835Z END:VCARD