
I've selected postgresql 7.0.3 for our (critical) application and while
doing my first experiments I've found a bug which makes me worry very

The problem is that a SELECT with a certain LIKE condition in combination
with a GROUP BY does not find the proper records when there is an index on
the particular column present.  When the index is removed the SELECT *does*
return the right answer.

Fortunately I managed to strip down our database and create a simple
single table with which the bug can be easily reproduced.

I've been searching in the Postgres bug-database and this problem
might be related to this report:


Below you find a psql-session that demonstrates the bug.

I've made a dump of the test-database available as:

(it is 46100 bytes long in compressed form but 45 MB when uncompressed,
 I tried to trim it down but then the bug isn't reproducable anymore !)

The table is filled with all Spaces execpt for the "town" column.

        - well-maintained Linux Red Hat 6.2
        - kernel 2.2.18
        - Intel Pentium III
        - postgresql-7.0.3-2 RPMs from the Postgresql site
          (the problem also occurs with locally rebuilt Source RPM)

Any help is much appreciated !
        Friendly greetings,
        Rob van Nieuwkerk

psql session:
demo=> \d 
     List of relations
    Name    | Type  | Owner 
 demo_table | table | robn
(1 row)

demo=> \d demo_table    
       Table "demo_table"
 Attribute |   Type   | Modifier 
 postcode  | char(7)  |
 odd_even  | char(1)  |
 low       | char(5)  |
 high      | char(5)  |
 street    | char(24) | 
 town      | char(24) |   
 area      | char(1)  |

demo=> \di
No relations found.
demo=> SELECT town FROM demo_table WHERE town  LIKE 'ZWO%' GROUP BY town;
(1 row)

demo=> SELECT town FROM demo_table WHERE town  LIKE 'Z%' GROUP BY town;

    <<<<<< here 86 towns are correctly found (output removed) >>>>>>

demo=> CREATE INDEX demo_table_town_idx ON demo_table(town);
demo=> SELECT town FROM demo_table WHERE town  LIKE 'Z%' GROUP BY town;
(0 rows)
        <<<<<< This is wrong !!!!!! >>>>>>>

demo=> SELECT town FROM demo_table WHERE town  LIKE 'ZWO%' GROUP BY town;
(1 row)

demo=> DROP INDEX demo_table_town_idx;
demo=> SELECT town FROM demo_table WHERE town  LIKE 'Z%' GROUP BY town;

    <<<<<< here 86 towns are correctly found again >>>>>>

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