Ok, I have a first set of 7.1beta3 RPMs uploading now. These RPMs pass
regression on my home RedHat 6.2 machine, which has all locale environment
variables disabled (/etc/sysconfig/i18n deleted and a reboot).
It may take a few minutes to a few hours for the changes I uploaded to
propagate to the public ftp server.
NOTE: BETA RPMS ARE JUST EXACTLY THAT! These RPM's are not in a finished state
-- they are for the express purpose of allowing people to test 7.1beta in an
RPM setup. Upgrading from a prior version is explicitly NOT supported at this
There ARE KNOWN packaging problems -- I am working on them.
NOTE: there have been some changes in the RPM install structure.
/usr/lib/pgsql is gone, replaced by /usr/share/postgresql. See the file lists
from 'rpm -qlp postgresql*7.1beta3-1.i386.rpm' for more details.
README.rpm-dist has not been updated for the 7.1beta3 distribution yet.
To run regression tests, make sure the postgresql-test RPM is installed, then
make sure that the locale environment is set properly. Regression tests may be
run by first, as root, starting a postmaster: /etc/rc.d/init.d/postgresql start
(if there are any errors, make sure you are not upgrading!)
Then, as root:
chown -R postgres.postgres /usr/share/postgresql/test/regress
(yes, I know the RPMset should do this for you. It is being fixed.)
Then, su to postgres and cd to /usr/share/postgresql/test/regress. Execute:
./pg_regress --schedule=parallel_schedule
Any failures indicate an error somewhere -- most likely your locale settings.
Look for another release this week, with things streamlined somewhat.
Also, if you wish to rebuild from the source RPM, please read the comments and
conditionals in the spec file BEFORE rebuilding -- you can conditionally
rebuild just a few of the packages instead of having to rebuild everything.
Please check all the client interfaces you are equipped to check. I need
someone to work over the perl, python, tcl, and tk stuff.
If someone wants to contribute built jars of the newest JDBC, I would be most
grateful, as I don't have a JDK on my devel machine yet. The jars distributed
are the 7.0 JDBC jars -- which are known to need some recent patches.
pgaccess currently will not run unless you reconfigure to use -i in the
startup. This is also being fixed in the RPMset -- there is a change necessary
in postgresql.config, I just have to do the change.
PL/perl is being worked on -- many thanks to Karl DeBisschop for his
perserverence in this.
RPMS are in at:
and are built for RedHat 6.2/Intel ONLY.
Once again, at the risk of sounding like a broken record -- these are BETA
QUALITY RPMS -- BY REQUEST. Please don't make me regret not waiting until a
release candidate :-).
Lamar Owen
WGCR Internet Radio
1 Peter 4:11