Peter Eisentraut <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> I agree that the complete changelog is probably too long, I'm just against
> the per-version segmenting.  Changelogs are usually used (well, by me) to
> get an overview when and how segments of code were worked on.  The primary
> key here is not what (sub-)version the change happened in.  The people
> that look into this sort of thing probably use cvs or snapshots,

Well, if you have bothered to set up cvs access then you can run cvs2cl
for yourself and get exactly the (subset of) the changelog you want.
My understanding of what Marc had in mind was to provide info for people
who only download releases and want to know what happened since the last
release they had.

The whole project might be a waste of effort though, since those folks
are likely to only want the digested HISTORY file and not the
blow-by-blow logs ...

                        regards, tom lane

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