Hannu Krosing <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Tom Lane wrote:
> > <table contents source> ::=
> > <table element list>
> > | OF <user-defined type>
> > [ <subtable clause> ]
> > [ <table element list> ]
> to me it seems that only this is OR-d : <table element list> | OF
> <user-defined type>
> and the rest ([ <subtable clause> ],[ <table element list> ])is just
> optional
The grammar is less than perfectly clear, isn't it? But that reading
just doesn't make any sense, because it would allow <table contents
source> to be (among other things) <table element list> <table element list>
which I am sure is not what they intend. The last line has to be part
of the second alternative, it seems to me, and therefore the
next-to-last line is too.
regards, tom lane