On Wed, Dec 27, 2000 at 12:56:26AM -0500, Bruce Momjian wrote:
> I have been asked by the major PHP developer Rasmus Lerdorf to see if
> the PostgreSQL/PHP interface needs any improvements.
> Is the current PostgreSQL interface module in PHP adequate?  Does it
> support all the current libpq features?
> If not, would someone submit some patches to the PHP folks.  They want
> us to work well with PHP.  They are basically encouraging us to improve
> it in any way we can.

        I use PHP and Postgres together quite a bit, and find the APIs
complete enough for most things.  However, just last week I implemented

pg_lolseek($loid, $offset $whence)

For some stuff that we are working on.  They are pretty straightforward,
and I can package them up and submit them if someone wants.

Adam Haberlach            |A cat spends her life conflicted between a
[EMAIL PROTECTED]       |deep, passionate, and profound desire for
http://www.newsnipple.com |fish and an equally deep, passionate, and
'88 EX500                 |profound desire to avoid getting wet.

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