* mlw <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [001224 18:06] wrote:
> This line works:
> /usr/local/pgsql/bin/postmaster -N 32 -B 928 -i -S
> -D/home/postgres/pgdev -o "-F -fs -S 4096"
> Where as this line:
> /usr/local/pgsql/bin/postmaster -N 32 -B 1024 -i -S
> -D/home/postgres/pgdev -o "-F -fs -S 4096"
> does not.
> Any ideas?
> I have 256M of memory, RedHat Linux 7.0, CVS version of Postgres as of a
> couple days ago.
Giving us the exact reason it "doesn't work" would be helpful, perhaps
the error message?
I'm just going to guess that you need to consult your OS's
documentation and figure out how to raise the amount of system V
shared memory available.
"I have the heart of a child; I keep it in a jar on my desk."