> > I've committed contrib/rserv/ which provides replication capabilities to
> > PostgreSQL. The code was developed by Vadim, with some script and
> > wrapper support from myself.
> How does this jive with www.erserver.com?  Completely seperate projects?
> Have you already explored working together?

Actually, it *is* erserver, or at least the parts that fit well into the
current PostgreSQL code base. As it evolves we will open source the
other pieces we can, as soon as we can. Some folks -- probably not all
in the current hacker community -- will have specific requirements that
they will be interested in funding or having addressed on spec, and we
will be developing the toolkit with those as a priority.

> Many, including me, are chomping at the bit for an opensource replication
> ability in pgsql.

This is the start of the toolkit. Hope it helps to meet your needs.

                       - Thomas

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