
I have just tried using the ILIKE function in 7.0.3.  I assume that it is
just a case-insensitive version of LIKE.  (Please correct me if I am wrong
on this assumption.)

This is my example test case:

usa=# select 'test' LIKE '%es%';
(1 row)

usa=# select 'test' ILIKE '%es%';
ERROR:  parser: parse error at or near "ilike"

HEre is a dump (\do) of the some of the tilde operators in 7.0.3:

 ~*  | bpchar      | text        | bool      | matches regex.,
 ~*  | name        | text        | bool      | matches regex.,
 ~*  | text        | text        | bool      | matches regex.,
 ~*  | varchar     | text        | bool      | matches regex.,
 ~=  | box         | box         | bool      | same as
 ~=  | circle      | circle      | bool      | same as
 ~=  | point       | point       | bool      | same as
 ~=  | polygon     | polygon     | bool      | same as
 ~=  | tinterval   | tinterval   | bool      | same as
 ~~  | bpchar      | text        | bool      | matches LIKE expression
 ~~  | name        | text        | bool      | matches LIKE expression
 ~~  | text        | text        | bool      | matches LIKE expression
 ~~  | varchar     | text        | bool      | matches LIKE expression

Notice that there's no ILIKE operators, (~~*), at all!

Is this documented, but not implemented or what????


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