Jonathan Ellis wrote:
> > I went to fix this and then realized I still don't have an adequate spec
> > of how Oracle defines these functions.  It would seem logical, for
> > example, that lpad might truncate on the left instead of the right,
> > ie lpad('abcd', 3, 'whatever') might yield 'bcd' not 'abc'.  Would
> > someone check?
> SQL> select lpad('abcd', 3, 'foobar') from dual;
> ---
> abc
> > Also, what happens if the specified length is less than zero?  Error,
> > or is it treated as zero?
> SQL> select ':' || lpad('abcd', -1, 'foobar') || ':' from dual;
> ':
> --
> ::
> (colons added so it's obvious that it's a zero-length string)

AFAIK Oracle is unable to distinguish NULL and zero-length string ;(


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