Tom Lane wrote:
> mlw <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > cdinfo=# explain select * from ztitles where artistid = 0 ;
> > Index Scan using ztitles_artistid_ndx on ztitles  (cost=0.00..5915.01
> > rows=3163 width=296)
> > When postmaster is started without "-o -fs" I get this:
> > cdinfo=# explain select * from ztitles where artistid = 0 ;
> > Seq Scan on ztitles  (cost=0.00..4740.75 rows=3163 width=296)
> How many tuples are in the table?  How many are actually returned
> by this query?  Also, what do you get from
> select attname,attdisbursion,s.*
> from pg_statistic s, pg_attribute a, pg_class c
> where starelid = c.oid and attrelid = c.oid and staattnum = attnum
> and relname = 'ztitles';

I have attached the output. 

btw anyone trying this query should use: "attdispersion"

The explain I gave, there are no records that actually have an artistid
of 0. However, I will show the explain with a valid artistid number.

This is without "-o -fs"
cdinfo=# explain select * from ztitles where artistid = 100000220 ;
Seq Scan on ztitles  (cost=0.00..4740.75 rows=3163 width=296)

And this is with "-o -fs"

cdinfo=# explain select * from ztitles where artistid = 100000220 ;
Index Scan using ztitles_artistid_ndx on ztitles  (cost=0.00..5915.01
rows=3163 width=296)

select count(*) from ztitles where artistid = 100000220 ;
(1 row) 

  attname   | attdispersion | starelid | staattnum | staop | stanullfrac | 
stacommonfrac |      stacommonval      |         staloval         |     stahival      
 muzenbr    |            -1 |    19274 |         1 |    97 |           0 |   
4.72277e-06 | 397705                 | 58608                    | 399022
 artistid   |     0.0477198 |    19274 |         2 |    97 |           0 |      
0.149362 | 100050450              | 100000000                | 100055325
 cat2       |      0.618418 |    19274 |         3 |  1066 |           0 |      
0.763058 | Performer              | Boxed Set                | Single
 cat3       |     0.0459786 |    19274 |         4 |  1066 | 4.72277e-06 |      
0.145367 | International          | Blues                    | Sound Effects
 cat4       |      0.308324 |    19274 |         5 |  1066 | 4.72277e-06 |       
0.50827 |                        |                          | Zydeco
 performer  |     0.0477281 |    19274 |         6 |  1066 | 4.72277e-06 |      
0.149381 | Various Artists        | "Blue" Gene Tyranny      | underGRIND
 performer2 |     0.0477198 |    19274 |         7 |  1066 | 4.72277e-06 |      
0.149362 | Various Artists        | "Chuscales", Jose Valle  | underGRIND
 title      |   1.88982e-05 |    19274 |         8 |  1066 | 4.72277e-06 |   
9.44555e-05 | Good Old Country       | !                        | Zzzzzz... [EP] *
 artist1    |      0.770286 |    19274 |         9 |  1066 | 4.72277e-06 |      
0.864182 |                        |                          | w
 engineer   |      0.719466 |    19274 |        10 |  1066 | 4.72277e-06 |      
0.831534 |                        |                          | ob Bullock
 producer   |      0.586756 |    19274 |        11 |  1066 | 4.72277e-06 |      
0.740488 |                        |                          | Zvika Nadaf
 labelname  |   0.000490215 |    19274 |        12 |  1066 | 4.72277e-06 |    
0.00242751 | Rykodisc USA           |                          | `A`A`Li`I Records
 catalog    |    0.00114041 |    19274 |        13 |  1066 | 4.72277e-06 |    
0.00557759 | 1                      |                          | sftri325
 distribut  |     0.0342314 |    19274 |        14 |  1066 | 4.72277e-06 |       
0.11669 | Universal Distribution | (Independently by Label) | n/a
 released   |     0.0331312 |    19274 |        15 |  1066 | 4.72277e-06 |      
0.113828 | n/a                    | 01/01/1986               | n/a
 origrel    |     0.0266312 |    19274 |        16 |  1066 | 4.72277e-06 |     
0.0961651 | 2000                   | 1911                     | n/a
 nbrdiscs   |      0.931311 |    19274 |        17 |  1066 | 4.72277e-06 |      
0.961169 | 1                      | 01                       | 9
 spar       |       0.84807 |    19274 |        18 |  1066 | 4.72277e-06 |      
0.912166 | n/a                    | *N*                      | n/a
 minutes    |      0.778454 |    19274 |        19 |  1066 | 4.72277e-06 |       
0.86933 |                        |                          | 99
 seconds    |      0.778454 |    19274 |        20 |  1066 | 4.72277e-06 |       
0.86933 |                        |                          | 98
 monostereo |      0.854336 |    19274 |        21 |  1066 | 4.72277e-06 |      
0.915935 | Stereo                 | Mono                     | n/a
 studiolive |      0.878293 |    19274 |        22 |  1066 | 4.72277e-06 |      
0.930221 | Studio                 | Live                     | n/a
 available  |      0.632032 |    19274 |        23 |  1058 | 4.72277e-06 |      
0.756938 | Y                      | N                        | Y
 previews   |      0.798323 |    19274 |        24 |  1066 | 4.72277e-06 |      
0.881742 |                        |                          | 99954
 pnotes     |      0.310707 |    19274 |        25 |  1066 | 4.72277e-06 |      
0.510617 |                        |                          | 99986
 acd        |      0.998235 |    19274 |        26 |  1066 | 4.72277e-06 |      
0.999117 | A                      | A                        | D
(26 rows)

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