Randy Jonasz wrote:
> I appreciate your comments and would like to respond to your concerns.
> The API I sketched in my earlier e-mail is borrowed heavily from
> Rogue Wave's dbtools.h++ library.  I think it can be a very clean and
> elegant way of accessing a database.

Yes, this looks neat. At least it is an API design that has been
properly tested. We've been thinking along the same lines, and were
thinking of faking up a roguewave type API for postgres.

One thing I would like to see, which we have built into our own,
primitive, C++ interface, is support for binary data retrieval. For some
applications the savings are huge. 

I haven't thought very hard about how to do this: we do it by having a
perl script generate structures from the table definitions at compile
time, which works well in our case, but is not necessarily suitable for
a library. Code to copy the data into these structures is similarly
generated. Not sure whether roguewave have a better solution.

Good luck with it.


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