Bruce Guenter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> I agree, don't send it to the whole list.  But I'd like a copy.

> Here you go.

As near as I could tell, the test as you have it (one CRC computation per
fread) is purely I/O bound.  I changed the main loop to this:

int main() {
  static char buf[8192];
  size_t rd;
  hash_t hash;

  while (rd = fread(buf, 1, sizeof buf, stdin)) {
          int i;
          for (i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
                  update(&hash, buf, rd);
  return 0;

so as to get a reasonable amount of computation per fread.  On an
otherwise idle HP 9000 C180 machine, I get the following numbers on a
1MB input file:

time benchcrc <random32

real       35.3
user       35.0
sys         0.0

time benchmd5 <random32

real       37.6
user       37.3
sys         0.0

This is a lot closer than I'd have expected, but it sure ain't
"MD5 40% faster" as you reported.  I wonder why the difference
in results between your platform and mine?

BTW, I used gcc 2.95.2 to compile, -O6, no other switches.

                        regards, tom lane

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