On Tue, Dec 05, 2000 at 05:29:36AM +0000, Thomas Lockhart wrote:
> As you can see, "core" == "fundamental" in the general sense, in a
> statement not written specifically for the hacker community but for the
> world at large. In many cases, taking one syllable rather than four is a
> good thing, but sorry it led to confusion.
Yep, a closer re-read led me to enlightenment.
> My schedule is completely out of whack, partly from taking the afternoon
> off to cool down from the personal attacks being lobbed my direction.
I'm sorry about that. I hope the part of this thread that I helped start
didn't contribute too much to your distress. Had I realized at the time
that there was _no_ pgsql core work involved, I would have been less
distressed myself by the time slip. With beta on the way, I was concerned
that it wouldn't get in until the 7.2 tree opened.
> Will pick things up as time permits, but we should have some code for
> contrib/ in time for beta2, if it is acceptable to the community to put
> it in there.
I'm of the 'contrib is for stuff that doesn't even necessarily currently
build' school, although I appreciate the work that's been done to reverse
the bit rot. Drop it in at any time, as far as I'm concerned.