Don Baccus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> At 04:42 AM 12/3/00 +0000, Thomas Lockhart wrote:
> >> This statement of yours kinda belittles the work done over the past
> >> few years by volunteers.
> >
> >imho it does not,
> Sure it does.  You in essence are saying that "advanced replication is so
> hard that it could only come about if someone were willing to finance a
> PROPRIETARY solution.  The PG developer group couldn't manage it if
> it were done Open Source".
> - Don Baccus, Portland OR <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>   Nature photos, on-line guides, Pacific Northwest
>   Rare Bird Alert Service and other goodies at

Mr. Baccus,

It is funny how you rant and rave about the importance of opensource
and how Postgresql Inc. making an non-opensource product is bad. Yet I
go to your website which is full of photographs and you make it a big
deal about people should not steal your photographs and how someone
must buy a commercial license to use them. That doesn't sound very
'open-source' to me! Why don't you practice what you preach and allow
redistribution of those photographs?

Prasanth Kumar

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