At 16:33 22/11/00 +0800, Christopher Kings-Lynne wrote:
>At 15:50 22/11/00 +0800, Christopher Kings-Lynne wrote:
>> >I've been examining the pg_dump source and output, and I've come to the
>> >conclusion that I can modify it so that UNIQUE constraints
>> appear as part of
>> >the CREATE TABLE statement, rather than as a separate CREATE INDEX.
>> ...
>> >Is there any problem with me working on this?
>> I actually don't think it's a good idea to force things to work that way.
>Why, exactly?

Having now looked at the code and seen that PK constraints are already
dumped in the table definition, I guess doing unique constraints in the
same way is no worse.

My main concern is that I'd like pg_dump to be able to separate out the
various parts of the schema, and this includes constraints. The ability to
add/drop constraints at any part of the restoration process would be very
nice. The latest incarnations of pg_dump/pg_restore allow people (and
pg_dump/restore) to choose what to restore, and even to define an ordering
for them - and having the constraimts as separate items would be a great
benefit. One example of the problems that I'd like to avoid is in loading
data via INSERT statements - doing:

   Create Table...
   Insert many rows...
   Add Uniqueness Constraint

is *substantially* faster than INSERTs on a table with constraints already

At the current time we don't even have a working 'ALTER TABLE...' that
works with all constraint types, so my hopes are probably in vain. I don't
suppose you feel like working on 'ALTER TABLE...ADD/DROP CONSTRAINT...' do

>What's the difference between this:
>create table test (
> a int4,
> constraint "name" unique (a)
>and this:
>create table test (
> a int4
>create unique index "name" on "test" using btree ( "a" "int4_ops" );

The fact that pg_dump/restore will be able to create the index at the end
of the data load.

>As far as I can tell, Postgres 7.0.3 only supports adding fk constraints.
>The CVS version seems to support adding CHECK constraints, but other than
>that, it has to be added as an index.

Sounds like a good thing to work on ;-}

>If you're a database user, it's
>conceptually better to see right in your table that you've added a named (or
>not) unique constraint, rather than noticing at the bottom of the file that
>there's some unique index on one of your columns (IMHO).

This is a good argument for modifying the output of '\d' in psql. It is
also probably a valid argument for a new option on pg_dump to specify if
constraints should be kept separate from table definitions. Then we could
also move FK constraints to the end.

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