At 05:47 PM 11/8/00 -0600, Luis =?UNKNOWN?Q?Maga=F1a?= wrote:

>insert into employee(title,first_name,start_date,charge) values('Mr.
>insert into employee(title,first_name,start_date,charge) values('Mr.
>insert into employee(title,first_name,start_date,charge) values('Mr.
>so far there is no problem at all, the problem comes here:
>select title || ' ' || first_name || ' ' || last_name as fullname from
>   fullname   
> (3 rows)
>Doesn't work !!!!, I'm thinking it is because of the null value in last_name.

Right.  NULL means "has no value", it's not the empty string.  The result of
concatenating with NULL is NULL.

> Have any idea or suggestion on how to workaround this situation.

It's a classic NULL issue.  1+NULL = NULL, too, for instance.  Try
something like
"default ''" in your table definition rather than use null.  Then you'll be
the empty string for concatenation.  'abc' || NULL = NULL.  'abc' || '' =
which appears to be what you want.

This is standard SQL92 behavior...

- Don Baccus, Portland OR <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  Nature photos, on-line guides, Pacific Northwest
  Rare Bird Alert Service and other goodies at

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