> I was installing the snapshot version last night, whenever I
> initialized the database with "initdb -E EUC_TW -D
> /usr/local/pgsql/data", I got error message that the EUC_TW was not
> the valid encoding. Is it a bug in the snapshot version?
Sorry, I forgot to add EUC_TW encoding. Should be ok now, please grab
the new snapshot tonight or apply included patches to
src/interfaces/libpq/fe-connect.c if you are hurry.
*** fe-connect.c 2000/10/30 10:31:46 1.143
--- fe-connect.c 2000/11/04 02:25:45
*** 2712,2717 ****
--- 2712,2718 ----
+ {EUC_TW, "EUC_TW"},