On Mié 01 Nov 2000 20:57, Martin A. Marques wrote:

Seeing that nobody responded to my questions, here I go. ;-)

I think one of the poor partes about postgres is the administration tools. I 
am not a PostgreSQL hacker (would like to be one) so I don know if there are 
things like user threads, locks and all those stuff to check for with some 
sort of administration tool.

I am willing to help in the development of this tool, and I think it would be 
very important for the PostgreSQL community, adn for PostgreSQL as a whole.

Any comments? Bruce? Tom? Vadim?

> Are there any status and mode applications for postgres? I mean, an
> application that will tell me the status of the server at the moment,  and
> an app to start and stop postgres.
> Does postgres have "administration mode" like a mode to make backups on,
> without threads connected?
> Thanks!!!

Saludos... :-)

"And I'm happy, because you make me feel good, about me." - Melvin Udall
Martín Marqués                  email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Santa Fe - Argentina            http://math.unl.edu.ar/~martin/
Administrador de sistemas en math.unl.edu.ar

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