Hi, On Mon, Sep 13, 2021 at 7:17 PM Rajkumar Raghuwanshi <rajkumar.raghuwan...@enterprisedb.com> wrote: > On PG head + Nitin's v3 patch + Amit's Delta patch. Make check is failing > with below errors.
Thanks Rajkumar for testing. > --inherit.sql is failing with error :"ERROR: negative bitmapset member not > allowed" > update mlparted_tab mlp set c = 'xxx' > from > (select a from some_tab union all select a+1 from some_tab) ss (a) > where (mlp.a = ss.a and mlp.b = 'b') or mlp.a = 3; > ERROR: negative bitmapset member not allowed > > --partition_join.sql is crashing with enable_partitionwise_join set to true. Here's a v2 of the delta patch that should fix both of these test failures. As I mentioned in my last reply, my delta patch fixed what I think were problems in Nitin's v3 patch but were not complete by themselves. Especially, I hadn't bothered to investigate various /* TODO: handle multi-column list partitioning */ sites to deal with my own changes. In the attached updated version, I've dealt with some of those such that at least the existing cases exercising partition pruning and partition wise joins now pass. I thought about sending a v4 of the main patch with my proposed changes so far integrated, but decided to just post a delta_v2 for now. -- Amit Langote EDB: http://www.enterprisedb.com
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