On Wed, Aug 11, 2021 at 11:19 AM Masahiko Sawada <sawada.m...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Tue, Aug 10, 2021 at 7:18 PM Amit Kapila <amit.kapil...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > ==============================================================
> >
> > 1. While applying DML operations, we are setting up the error context
> > multiple times due to which the context information is not
> > appropriate. The first is set in apply_dispatch and then during
> > processing, we set another error callback slot_store_error_callback in
> > slot_store_data and slot_modify_data. When I forced one of the errors
> > in slot_store_data(), it displays the below information in CONTEXT
> > which doesn't make much sense.
> >
> > 2021-08-10 15:16:39.887 IST [6784] ERROR:  incorrect binary data
> > format in logical replication column 1
> > 2021-08-10 15:16:39.887 IST [6784] CONTEXT:  processing remote data
> > for replication target relation "public.test1" column "id"
> >         during apply of "INSERT" for relation "public.test1" in
> > transaction with xid 740 committs 2021-08-10 14:44:38.058174+05:30
> Yes, but we cannot change the error context message depending on other
> error context messages. So it seems hard to construct a complete
> sentence in the context message that is okay in terms of English
> grammar. Is the following message better?
> CONTEXT:  processing remote data for replication target relation
> "public.test1" column “id"
>          applying "INSERT" for relation "public.test1” in transaction
> with xid 740 committs 2021-08-10 14:44:38.058174+05:30

I don't like the proposed text. How about if we combine both and have
something like: "processing remote data during "UPDATE" for
replication target relation "public.test1" column "id" in transaction
id 740 with commit timestamp 2021-08-10 14:44:38.058174+05:30"? For
this, I think we need to remove slot_store_error_callback and
add/change the ApplyErrCallbackArg to include the additional required
information in that callback.

With Regards,
Amit Kapila.

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